Stuck in the comparison trap?

Before I was confident in my life and in my body, I instead tried to be like other women I would see on social media or in my daily life.  I would do anything I could to let parts of myself hide and bring forth the qualities in them that I thought were desirable.

I tamed my true self (and lost my confidence and freedom) by constantly comparing myself (and trying to become) someone else.

I didn’t know who I was anymore because I was too busy trying to mold myself into some other woman that I admired at the time.  My body, mind, and soul were drained and I was exhausted.

Are you easily caught in the comparison trap?

  • Do you think that other people are better, prettier, or more worthy than you?
  • Do you feel like the raw, true, and honest person you are may not be enough?

If you answered yes to any or all of those, then girl, I have three wonderful tips for you to let go of the comparisons and finally embrace who you are.

Celebrate what makes you unique

Are you an amazing pianist that can wow a room with your music?  Maybe you are athletic and breeze past your competitors in sporting events.  Or maybe you are a humorous person who can make people erupt in laughter at the drop of a hat.  Whatever it is (yes, you do have something), celebrate and embrace it.  There is no one like you and that is your power.

Love yourself

When we treat ourselves with the highest degree of respect and kindness, we don’t have time to compare ourselves to others because it doesn’t serve our highest good.  Focus on treating yourself with love and appreciation and find what makes you glow.

Celebrate others (but don’t dwell on them)

This is your life.  Do you want to be constantly fixated on the girl next to you?  I would guess not.  Learn to celebrate others but recognize that you are just as special.  Sometimes, you just have to separate yourself and put some distance between you and the person you are comparing yourself to.  Stop following her on social media for a while or take some time for yourself to strengthen your own self-love.  After all, this is your life.  Don’t get so caught up in someone else’s that you forget to live your own.

Bonus: Write a letter to the person you are constantly comparing yourself to.  Let her know how inspired you are by her, the traits you admire, and what it is about her that you aspire to be.  Once you’re done, you can either destroy the letter (bonfire, yes please!) or mail it to them.  No matter which you choose, remember this exercise is ultimately for you to let go.  Release the comparison and recognize she is human, just like you.

The moral of the story?

The cure for comparison is understanding that you are just as special, unique, amazing, gorgeous, and talented as the girl next to you.

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