Why body freedom is so vital

You know those moments when you think to yourself, “I wish I would have spent more time obsessing over my body?” Yeah, me either.  

Most likely we wish, looking back, that we had spent that precious headspace on something more valuable than continuously fighting our bodies. To instead focus our time and energy on following our passions, creating connections, growing deeper in love for yourselves, or even taking steps towards our dreams.

That’s where body freedom comes in.  Releasing yourself from constantly striving for a certain body shape or arbitrary size. 

It is the freedom that comes when you put down the struggle once and for all, accept yourself & your body as they are now, and start using that mental headspace for something so much greater.

In the past, I focused so much on creating a ‘more perfect’ body that I started to miss out on the opportunities that others around me were engaging in.  While my friends were exploring their passion for the outdoors, I was slaving away at the gym and focusing on what I was going to eat next.  They discovered climbing, mountain biking, and new friendships, while I discovered that I was living a very small life that wasn’t lighting me up.

I was missing out on what was important in life.  By constantly focusing on my body and trying to configure it into something that wasn’t sustainable, I was missing out on opportunities to create connections, explore my passions, and follow my dreams.

That’s why body freedom is so vital.

It allows you to put the struggle with your body and food in the past so you can move forward with more mental sanity and head space for what is important in life.  And that is truly invaluable.

One of the first clients I worked with struggled with this.  In her intake questionnaire, she said that she craved consistency with her well-being because there had to be so much more she could be using that head space for.  Amen, lady.  That couldn’t be more right.  Even while she was in the struggle with food and her body, she still recognized that continuing to fight with her body was not serving her anymore, and she wanted to move forward and use that energy instead for something even greater.

Slowly, over the course of her series, she started to normalize her eating and thoughts about her body to the point that she was able to start focusing on other, more important things in her life.  Like family, passions, hobbies, and exploring who she was.  And that was so powerful and transformative to see.

The take-away?  Body freedom = coming alive.

I stress body freedom so much because I have seen how powerful it is in my life, as well as the lives of countless others who I have worked with.  It truly flips the switch for them to start dreaming bigger, living more purposefully, and loving life on a whole new level.  It brings you alive to the life that you were only half-living before.  That’s why I value it so much.

To help support you in your journey for body freedom, I created a 7 day email course to walk you through daily steps to body acceptance.  It truly can be a life-changing journey if you allow yourself to really dive in and change your mindset.  And I created this email challenge exactly for that purpose.  

Get more info + sign up by clicking below xx