The one thing to do right now to finally feel good enough

Hey friend!  How would it feel if you finally felt good enough?

Truly, completely, and wholly enough.

  • A place where you stopped questioning and second guessing who you truly are and stood confidently in your truth.
  • A place where you belonged no matter where you went because you knew, deep down inside, that you were good enough.

How amazing would that be?

Imagine if you finally….

  • felt comfortable in your body
  • were confident when meeting new people
  • released old shame and patterns you have been holding onto that no longer serve you
  • took care of yourself because you knew you were worth it, not because you felt like you should
  • moved your body because it felt good, not because you had to
  • felt at peace with exactly who you already are (without having to change a single thing)
  • showed the world your true self

How would that feel?

Feeling enough doesn’t have to be as hard, as foreign, or even as distant as we think.  All it can take are mindful moments during the day to create a shift.  Of course, this is a constant practice, not a “one-and-done”.

And I want to take a timeout right here and let you know something huge.  Although this can be simple, it doesn’t mean it’s easy.

When talking with a friend the other day, she brought up how hard it can be to continue feeling worthy when other people don’t treat you that way.  It’s easier to feel good enough when other people are supporting and helping you along the way.

But what about when people don’t support you?  When they don’t treat you with respect? 

When people around us, especially people we genuinely love and care about, don’t treat us as if we already are enough, that can be a really hard thing.

Feeling good enough requires constant nurturing + truth talking with yourself.

  • It requires you to tell the truth.
  • It requires courage and honesty to challenge the stories we constantly tell ourselves every day, every week, every month, and our entire life about why we don’t measure up.

But those stories are just that.  Stories.  They aren’t true.  Fear is running the show.

Challenging those stories is a constant practice and the only way to truly feel enough every day.

The best way to do this?

Visualization.  Creating a clear image of treating yourself with the love, respect, and kindness you so freely give to others.  Imaging you already are enough (by the way, it’s true!).

Think about this.  If at this exact moment you were to finally feel good enough in your body, in your job, in your life, and in your skin, how would you act?  Just think about how that would feel in this moment.  Right here, + right now.

  • How would you treat yourself?
  • What would taking care of yourself look like?
  • How would you nurture your body?
  • What would you say to yourself?
  • How would you live your life differently than right now?
  • Who would you be?

Visualization is a powerful tool to help you feel enough and it starts by taking the time to think about and believe that you are already there

Already good enough.

This week, I challenge you to have the courage to start acting as if you are already enough.  Start picturing the life you’d live if you finally felt good enough.  Go deep and really think about it. Then let me know in the comments below what comes up for you.

With you every step of the way xx

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