How loving myself transformed my relationship with food & my body

Loving myself changed everything for me.

Not that long ago, I was a scared young woman afraid of life, afraid of myself + afraid of food.  I wanted to be able to control everything going on around me.

I craved control of food, control of my body, and control of my life.

But instead of having more control, I felt more out of control than ever.  I began to obsess over my body.  I closely examined everything I put in my mouth.  I obsessed over how amazing life would be once I was thinner.

Over time, I started to see that fear wasn’t the answer.  Fear of weight gain, fear of being out of control, and fear of the unknown was holding me back from living the life that I truly wanted. And the beautiful thing is that loving myself was the gateway out.

So I started choosing love for myself over fear.  I gave myself permission to not be perfect but still continue on anyways.

Over the years, as I have made peace with food and began to love my body, loving myself has been one of the biggest life changers.

But I certainly did not wake up one day and find that everything was easy.  Making the right choices for yourself will continue to be challenging.  Putting yourself first, creating boundaries, and doing what you need to take care of yourself takes practice.

For me, it happened slowly and over time.  Never was there a big jump or leap and suddenly I was there.  Self-love was and still is a journey.  Sometimes there are days it is easy and I make huge strides forward.  But there also are days where I feel like I fall down *hard*. And that’s okay.

Because over time I have looked back and seen all the challenges I made it through that I thought I never would, and realized the vast amount of love I actually had for myself.  The love that allowed me to keep pushing forward.  To take care of myself in the moment, even when it was really hard.

And I believe that’s how loving yourself is.  A constant journey that keeps bringing you back to who you truly are.  It doesn’t happen overnight or after you make a resolution to love yourself.  It happens once you start to truly believe that you are worth loving and you start acting in a way to take deep care of yourself out of love.  Not out of fear.

That’s how it has happened for me.

So today, I want to share with you five ways that loving myself has healed my relationship with food and my body.  To learn about all 5, listen to the audio below!

To recap, here are the 5 ways loving myself has healed my relationship with food & my body:

  1. Greater self-care
  2. Doing things out of love instead of fear
  3. Learning to trust myself
  4. Releasing judgements
  5. Releasing comparison